Hard to believe another year of gaming has slipped by!
I have to say that it was a banner year of wargaming for me and I was able to get both my wife and son to start playing Euro style games with me too!
This has lead to 22 miniature games and 84 board games (106 total!!!) played over the last year which is an absolutely amazing accomplishment. I wasn't able to run any miniature campaigns like I was hoping, but maybe 2019 will usher in a new campaign! I also need to finish working on two rules in 2019.
Here is the run down of games with links to prior posts if appropriate.
2018 Total Miniatures Games Played: 22
2018 Total Board Games Played: 84
JANUARY (MG: 2, BG: 7)
3rd - Formula De x 2 (EB, Phil, Brian, Jan, Steve)
5th - Merchants and Marauders (EB, Wes, Phil, Hammer)
6th - Raiders of the North Sea, Kemet x 2 (EB, Wes, Phil, Charles)
10th - 878 Vikings (EB, Phil, Wes)
24th - GWSH2 - WWI - Russians vs Turks (EB, Wes, Brian, Phil, Jan )
31st - 1790s Russians vs Ottomans - see bottom of link above. (EB, Phil, Jan)
7th - Raiders of the North Sea (EB, EC, Paul, Brian, Jan, Phil)
14th - Russo-Turk 1877 battle (Brian, EB, Wes, Phil)
21st - TALON - Base Attack (EC, EB, Jan, Hammer, Phil, Wes)
24th - Here I Stand 500th (EB, Brian, Wes, EC, Jan, Phil)
28th - TALON (EB, Wes, Phil, EC)
MARCH (MG: 1, BG: 4)
7th - No Retreat - Italian Front (EB, EC)
14th - Table Battles & Maneuovre with Phil
17th - Burma (Saturday) - EB, Jan, Hammer
21st - 25mm ACW battle (Brian, EB, Charles, Jan, EC, Phil)
APRIL (MG: 4, BG: 6)
4th - Battle of Bergen (SYW, Franco-Saxons vs Allies) - EB, Mac, Jan, Brian, Phil, Wes
6th - E-CON - F&IW, 878 Vikings(x2), Andean Abyss, Kemet, Raiders of the North Sea
11th - Kings of War - 28mm Fantasy (Wes, EB, Brian)
12th - Burma - Lions in the Jungle (Jan, EB, and Hammer) - Playtest FOW Series
25th - Lion Rampant (Charles, EB, Jan, Glenn)
MAY (MG: 2, BG: 5)
2nd - Table Battles (x2)
9th - Battle of Puebla - Piquet (EB, Jan, Phil, Brian, Charles, Glenn)
16th - Battle of Puebla - rematch! (Brian, EB, Phil)
23rd - Fields of Despair (EB, Phil, Brian, EC) - 2 side-by-side games
28th - Castles of Burgundy (EB, Steve, Ike)
30th - No Retreat: Italian Front (EB, Phil, EC) and Brian, Jan (Mr. Madison's War)
JUNE (MG: 3, BG: 18)
1st - 2 x Pandemic (EB, Paige, Turner)
3rd - 2 x Pandemic (EB, Paige, Turner)
6th - Musket and Tomahawk (Mac, EB, Wes, Jan, Hammer)
13th - Dungeon Saga 2 scenarios (EB, Brian, Phil, EC)
10 Games of Explorers of the North Sea with Paige and Turner
27th - 2 x C&C Ancients (Phil and EB)
29th - 2 x Pandemic (Paige, Turner, EB)
JULY (MG: 0, BG: 2)
25th - Dungeon Saga (2 adventures) (EB, Brian, EC, Jan, Phil)
27th - Great War Commander (EB and Phil)
AUGUST (MG: 6, BG: 3)
1st - Dungeon Saga (#5 and #6) (EB, EC, Brian, Phil, Wes)
8th - Great War Commander (EB, Phil)
15th - 28mm Taiping Rebellion (EB, Phil, Brian, Jan)
16th - Explorers of the North Sea (Paige, Turner, EB)
22nd - 28mm Taiping Rebellion (EB, Phil, Brian, Jan, Mike, Glenn)
25th - MooseCon - Bolt Action (Red Devils vs SS), Game of Thrones(minis), Captain Sonar (x4)
29th - 28mm Taiping Rebellion (EB, Phil, Jan, Brian, Mike P., Mike J.)
5th - 1754 x 2 (EB, Wes, Jan, Hammer)
8th - Clans of Caledonia (EB, Hammer, Brian)
13th - Explorers of the North Sea (EB, Paige, Turner and Maggie)
14th - Pandemic (EB, Paige, Turner and Maggie)
15th - 1775 (EB, Paige, Turner and Maggie)
16th - Hearts (EB, Paige, Turner and Maggie)
17th - Explorers of the North Sea (EB, Paige, Turner)
19th - Maneuovre (EB, Jan, Brian, Phil)
21st - Viticulture (Paige, Eric, Turner)
22nd - Viticulture (Paige, Eric, Turner)
23rd - Viticulture x 2 (Paige, Eric, Turner)
26th - Belleau Wood 15mm using Take Action! (EB, Brian, Phil, Mike J)
OCTOBER (MG: 1, BG: 5)
3rd - Great War Commander (EB and Phil)
17th - Dungeon Saga (EB, EC, Jan, Phil)
24th - Pericles (EB, Jan, Brian, and Phil) - didn't finish
27th - Raiders of the North Sea (EB and Paige)
28th - Raiders of the North Sea (EB and Paige)
31st - Napoleon 1806 (EB and Phil)
NOVEMBER (MG: 1, BG: 11)
7th - Scythe (EB, EC, Wes)
14th - The Great War (C&C) (EB, Jan, Phil, Charles)
15th - The Great War (C&C) (EB, Phil)
19th - Raiders of the North Sea (Paige, EB)
21st - Raiders of the North Sea (Paige, Turner, EB)
22nd - Raiders of the North Sea + Expansion (Paige, Turner, EB)
23rd - Viticulture x 2 (Paige, Turner, EB)
24th - Robin Hood x 2, Raiders of the North Sea x 1 (Paige, Turner, EB)
28th - 15mm Fantasy (EB, EC, Brian)
5th - Scythe (EB, Jan, EC, Brian)
19th - Architects of the West Kingdom (EB, BW, BC, Phil)
26th - Maria (EB, Phil, Hammer)
28th - Viticulture (EB, Paige, Turner, Maggie)
29th - Explorers of the North Sea and Viticulture (EB, Paige, Turner, Maggie)
January 2019 has already started with a BANG as my son was in town before going back to UNCW.
I hope you all have a blessed year filled with lots of gaming and joy!