Sunday, January 5, 2020

Wargaming in 2020 - A Look Forward

With 2019 in the rear-view mirror I wanted to get down on "paper" what I plan to do in the year 2020.

First, Happy New Year to all my gaming friends across the globe!

I'm setting some lofty goals around miniatures and publications for this new year and I hope I can get most of it accomplished!

Miniatures Work

  • Publish Vauban’s Wars in the first quarter of 2020. I'm getting the last feedback from blind remote playtesters so I should have a real good idea of where I stand. I can't image this not being shipped by end of March 2020.
  • Finish building my PaperTerrain Vauban fortress in 15mm. (Need it for photos for the rules)
  • Finish painting and flocking my 15mm Potemkin Russian forces.
  • Finish painting, basing, mounting flags, etc for my SYW Russians.
  • Finish flocking\labeling my Maximilian collection (I rebased everything last year)
  • See if I can finish my Japanese for the RJW 
  • Finish painting Taiping collection, then flock them. (28mm)
  • Dare I finish my WWI trench boards? Started them 15 years ago! 
  • Finish Guns of Liberty 3rd Edition. This will be the last and final ruleset I will write for publication as it is too much work.

Miniature Gaming

  • Maximilian in Mexico
  • Seven Years War and War of the Austrian Succession
  • WW2 Pacific with Jungle Terrain
  • RJW
  • Get Ottomans on the table vs Russians and Austrians.
  • Sure would like to get my 1790s Poles and Lithuanians out of their boxes!

Board gaming:

  • Virgin Queen Saturday
  • Europe Engulfed Saturday
  • Paths of Glory Saturday
  • COIN games: Fire in the Sky and another
  • Spanish Civil War CDG that Jan picked up.
  • Empire of the Sun Sundays with EC
  • Play Jaws, Freedom (Ottoman vs Greeks), and Stronghold too.
  • Gaming with the family! 
Already got Jaws and Freedom on the table!

A shot of Freedom! Unique game system with nice decision matrix.


2019 - A Year in Review

Well, another year gone by and boy was it exciting on the wargame table!

With the family starting to game with me I'm getting more and more time to play games!

   Miniatures:   18
   Board Games: 167

I'd like to do more miniature gaming in 2020, but can't complain when I get to play 180+ games a year! Wow!

Here is a list of what was played during the year, and I'll do another post on what I hope to accomplish in 2020. Bolded games are miniatures battles. Post comments of games that may interest me. I did get the following new games for Christmas:

  • JAWS 
  • Undaunted: Normandy
  • Stronghold 2nd Edition
  • Operation Dragon (Expansion for Captain Sonar)
  • Robinson Crusoe
JANUARY (Miniature Games: 4, Board Games: 25)

 2nd - Scythe
 3rd - Architects of the West Kingdom (AWK)
 5th - AWK x 2, Raiders of the North Sea
 6th - AWK x 2, Raiders of the North Sea
 9th - AWK
12th - Azul x 5
13th - Azul x 5
16th - Blue Max 
18th - Battle of Cologne (Siege of Augusta) BattleGroup 20mm skirmish
20th - Azul x 4
23rd - Boxer Rebellion 
26th - Clank!
27th - Clank!
30th - Boxer Rebellion 

FEBRUARY (MG: 3, BG: 17)

 2nd - JJ Con - Fantasy Combat Patrol, Chariots, Zorro Tavern Battle
 3rd - Clank!
 6th - ROOT
 9th - 2 x Explorers of the North Sea
10th - 3 x Azul
13th - Nemesis (Wow, what a game!)
15th - Raiders of the North Sea
16th - Combat Infantry
17th - Nemesis
20th - SpaceCorp x 2
23rd - 2 x Viti, 2 x Azul
27th - Nemesis

MARCH (MG: 2 BG: 12)

 2nd - Explorers of the North Sea
 6th - Dungeon Saga 
 9th - Now Boarding and Azul x 5
13th - Dungeon Saga - Finished main campaign.    
27th - ROOT
30th - Vinticulter, 3 x Azul

APRIL (MG:0 BG:10)

 3rd - ROOT
 6th - Julius Caesar
10th - 1618: Tragedy - Outstanding game by Brian Asklev! We are playtesting. Hope Academy Games releases this ASAP!
13th - 2 x Architects of the West Kingdom, Raiders of the North Sea
14th - 2 x Azul
17th - 1618: Tragedy
24th - 1618: Tragedy

MAY (MG: 0 BG: 22)

 1st - JUNTA!
 3rd - 1618
 8th - JUNTA!
15th - Black Orchestra
17th - 2 x Azul
18th - Viticulture, Now Boarding, Azul
20th - Raiders of the North Sea
21st - Now Boarding
22nd - Black Orchestra
25th - 3 x Copenhagen, Explorers of the North Sea
26th - Explorers of the North Sea
27th - 3 x Copenhagen, 2 x Azul

JUNE (MG: 3  BG: 24)

 2nd - 2 x Copenhagen
 3rd - Tuscany
 4th - Architects of the West Kingdom and Azul
 5th - Siege of Olmutz (Vauban's Wars)
 6th - 2 x Copenhagen, 2 x Azul
10th - Black Orchestra, Copenhagen
11th - Tuscany and Copenhagen
12th - Siege of Olmutz (Vauban's Wars playtest)
13th - Now Boarding, 2 x Azul
15th - Tuscany
17th - Raiders of the North Sea, Copenhagen
19th - Siege of Olmutz part 2 (Vauban's Wars)
24th - C&C Medieval
25th - C&C Medieval
26th - ROOT
29th - 2 x South Pacific - EotS Scenario

JULY (MG: 1  BG: 11)

10th - Sycthe
13th - Tuscany
17th - Song of Ice and Fire 
20th - C&C Medieval
21st - Tuscany
24th - Black Orchestra
27th - Heroes Welcome
28th - Heroes Welcome
29th - Wing Leader
30th - Napoleon 1806
31st - Mare Nostrum

AUGUST (MG: 1  BG: 9)

 4th - Empire of the Sun - GMT Games
 7th - Dungeon Saga - New Campaign vs Orks
 9th - 1 x Architects of the West Kingdom, 3 x Azul
11th - Empire of the Sun - GMT Games
14th - Mare Nostrum - Academy Games
25th - Empire of the Sun - GMT Games
28th - ACIS (Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea) GMT Games


 1st - Empire of the Sun
 4th - Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East (ACME) - Playtest
 8th - Empire of the Sun
11th - Battle of Hohenfriedberg WAS 
14th - Tuscany
18th - Battle of Hohenfriedberg WAS
22nd - Empire of the Sun
25th - Vauban's Wars Playtest 
28th - Welcome Heroes and Copenhagen
29th - Pandemic

OCTOBER (MG: 0  BG: 7)

 2nd - ACME Playtest
 6th - Empire of the Sun - Japanese Victory!   
13th - Tuscany and Azul
16th - ACME Playtest
23rd - Vikings 878
30th - A Las Baricadas - by Compass Games


 6th - Explorers of the North Sea
 9th - Hammer of the Scots and Maneuver
13th - Zombicide: Black Plague
16th - Suburbia
20th - 1754
25th - Louis XIV
26th - Combat Infantry East Front
27th - Copenhagen and Architects of the West Kingdom
30th - Nemesis


 4th - Scythe
11th - Vauban's Wars - start at second parallel 
14th - Game of Thrones (mother of dragons expansion) at MooseCon
18th - Nevsky
22nd - Horse & Musket
23rd - 2 x Steampunk Rally
26th - Atlantus Rising, Steampunk Rally
28th - 2 x Steampunk Rally, Jaws
31st - JAWS