I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year and may your 2025 be bless with lots of laughter, love and gaming!
In 2024 I was able to play 18 miniatures battles and record 172 board games (Euros or Wargames). That is a new record for me, but it was helped along by my retirement in April of 2024!!
Here is the breakdown of the games played, and Castles of Burgundy was a huge hit!
32 x Castles of Burgundy
15 x White Castle
11 x Obsession
10 x Viticulture (Tuscany Essentials)
9 x Endeavor: Deep Sea
8 x Burning Banners
6 x Great War Commander (WWI Combat Commander) - Hexasim
5 x Bloodstones

5 x Fighters of the Pacific
5 x Space Base
4 x Ark Nova
4 x Suburbia
3 x Castles of Mad King Ludwig
3 x Hansa Tuetanica
3 x Lost Ruins of Arnak
3 x Fallen Lands
2 x A.R.T Project
2 x Downfall (GMT Games)
2 x Dominion
2 x Artemis Project
2 x Twilight Struggle (GMT Games)
2 x Copenhagen
2 x Gest of Robin Hood (GMT Games)
2 x 7 Wonders Duel
2 x Teotihuacan
1 x Battle of Britain (Undaunted)
1 x Pyrates
1 x Dune Imperium: Uprising
1 x Resist!
1 x Manila 1945
1 x War of the Ring
1 x Plum Island Horror (GMT Games)
1 x Charioteer (GMT Games)
1 x Domesday (ATO - playtest)
1 x Maria (War of the Austrian Succession)
1 x Hegemony (very interesting game)
1 x Crisis 1914
1 x Imperium
2 x Lamps are Going Out
1 x Black Orchestra
1 x Conquest & Consequences
1 x Triumph & Tragedy
1 x Here I Stand (GMT Games)
2 x Terraforming Mars
2 x Art Society
1 x Shifting Sands
1 x Explorers of the North Sea
1 x The Hunt
2 x Trekking the World (2nd Edition)
1 x 1807 Eylau
1 x Operation Barclay
1 x Naval Thunder (1/1200)
1 x Boar War 1881 (28mm)
1 x Zombies (Dead Run) 28mm.
1 x Sikh Wars (15mm) Using Battle Commander
1 x French in Mexico - Solo (15mm) using Battle Command.
2 x French Foreign Legion (15mm)
1 x Battle of Custoza | 15mm (Regimental Fire and Fury)
1 x Full Thrust - Sci-Fi Fleet battle
1 x 1st - Battle of Mollwitz 15mm (EB, Rob, Michael, Rich) WAS using Battle Command
1 x SYW 15mm - Battle of Bergen using Battle Command
6 x To the Strongest (two each: 15mm Medieval, 15mm Greeks vs Persians, 15mm Punic Wars)
2 x Star Saga (Sci-Fi RPG) - 28mm
Another great year of gaming and I can't wait to see what 2025 unfolds. I plan on running lots of miniature games, and even some at Historicon in July 2025.
On the Painting table I finished many SYW units (blog posts coming), waiting for flag for my SYW British army and they will be completed. Eight new French SYW cavalry (waiting on flags before I blog about my completed French army). Saxons are nearly complete, while Hanoverian, Brunswickers, and Hessioes are completed. Lastly, my SYW Reichsarmee is 95% complete. Also finished my SYW Bavarian army! Whew!
Painted my new Roman Marching Fort and that will be used this year to fight Alesia vs the Gauls.
I based a lot of WWI British in 15mm (Late war), about 5 Brigades.