Here are the French in all their glory. Roughly 2 divisions plus cavalry when it is all said and done.
The 5th Hussars (2 stands in blue), 12th Chasseurs de Cheval (4 stands in green), and Chasseurs d' Afrique (8 stands in blue with white havelocks). Each stand represents a squadron. Oh, I know the Spahi (4 squadrons in red) didn't server in Mexico, but damn what if they did?!?
Imperial Guard artillery crew is from the Freikorp FPW range. I like how they turned out. I haven't painted six of the guns, and should have them done in a bit. The other two batteries of field and heavy guns are in the infantry brigade photos.
What's Left to Do?
French Army
Commander-in-Chief: General Forey
First Infantry Division
Divisional Commander: General Bazaine
Chief of Staff: Lieutenant-Colonel Lacroix
1st Brigade (General Baron Neigre)
- 18th Battalion of Chasseurs (Commandant Lamy)
- 1st Regiment of Zouaves [2 battalions] (Colonel Brincourt)
- 81st Regiment of the Line [2 battalions] (Colonel la Canorgue)
2nd Brigade (General de Castagny)
- 20th Battalion of Chasseurs (Commandant Lepage de Longchamps)
- 95th Regiment of the Line [2 battalions] (Colonel Jolivet)
- 3rd Regiment of Zouaves [2 battalions] (Colonel Mangin)
- Turcos Battalion (Algerian Sharpshooter\Tirailleurs) (Commandant Cottret)
Provisional Divisional Commander: Brigadier-General Douay
Chief of Staff: Major Acting
1st Brigade (Colonel L'Hériller – Commanding Provisionally)
- 1st Battalion of Chasseurs (?)
- 99th Regiment of the Line (Colonel L'Hériller)
- 2nd Regiment of Zouaves (Colonel Gambier)
2nd Brigade (General de Berthier)
- 7th Battalion of Chasseurs (Commandant Albici)
- 51st Regiment of the Line (Colonel Garnier)
- 62nd Regiment of the Line (Colonel Baron Aymard)
Cavalry Brigade “de marche”
Brigadier-General Mirandol
1st Provisional Regiment (Colonel de Brémond d'Ars)
2 squadrons from 1st and 2nd Chasseurs d'Afrique
2nd Provisional Regiment (Colonel du Barail)
2 squadrons from 3rd Chasseurs d'Afrique and 2 squadrons from 12th Chasseurs a Cheval
Land-based Naval Assets
Battalion of Marine Fusiliers
(sailors) – (Naval Lieutenant Bruat)
2nd Regiment of Marine Infantry (2 battalions?) (Colonel Hennique)