For those of you following along, this battle took place in area 62 (lower left) of the campaign map:
Rules: Din of Battle 2nd Edition (currently being written and playtested)
Force Composition
Sans Arc: 5 warbands (1 veteran, 2 average, 2 green) & 5 tipis with villagers - 7 morale chips
Oglala: 7 warbands (didn't make it to the field in time as they were riding to the aid of the Sans Arc)
7th Cavalry: 3 cavalry companies A, B, and D (all 3 stands or less), 1 warband of Crow Allies (3 stands) - 12 morale chips
Photo: Initial deployment. All the dismounted Indians around the tipis represent villagers (as I haven't painted mine yet).
The good news for the Indians, is Black Elk was able to lead the ENTIRE Sans Arc village and pony herds off the board, towards the south and into the winter hunting grounds. This means the Sans Arc are safe from the blue coats for another year.
The bad news part 1, the Oglala warriors (seven warbands) were not able to get onto the battlefield in time to help their Sans Arc brothers.
The bad news part 2, your Sans Arc warriors fought heroically, but took a severe beating. Four of the five warbands were destroyed or routed from the field. Black Elk was nearly captured\killed, but was able to escape as darkness covered the battlefield. The only unscathed Sans Arc warband was #5 which were green warriors. Remember that post battle casualties will be light in a campaign, not that it matters here since the Sans Arc are done for the campaign.
The Indians rolled average for their quality, while the cavalry rolled up a two EXCELLENT units (determined), with the others being average. Most of the TAD cards for the Indians had little or no effect due to when the TAD cards were drawn. There no counting coup in this battle due to distance from the enemy.
Impetus: We used opposing D12 with the rule of 1/3. This works perfectly for smaller battles and is part of Din of Battle 2 rules.
Photo: Indians moving to flank and hitting cavalry with skirmish fire. Green markers indicate disorder, yellow out of command, and the tipped over horse holders means the Indians have pinned down the cavalry with skirmish fire
The battle was see-saw affair and the Sans Arc nearly rolled the entire cavalry line up with a flank charge by warband #2, but he was defeated in a second set of melees. The cavalry player nearly shit his pants as he had just had the Sans Arc on the ropes then they had him by the nut sack with the Sans Arc flank attack, which overran company A destroying them.
Photo: Indians taking casualties from cavalry skirmish fire: 1 routed, 1 pinned, and 2 disordered. Indian warband on the cavalry's flank...
Photo: Company A of the 7th being overrun by the Sans Arc warriors!
Photo: Company B hit on the flank, defeat the indians on the first round of melee, turn and fight again and rout the Indians! Such courage and determination!
This caused the cavalry great troubles and the constant Indian sniping slowed down his approach which allowed the village to get away. Company B of the 7th cavalry will be receiving campaign battle honors as they defeated that flank attack, shot another warband to pieces as the Indians crossed the Fox River to try to flank the cavalry line again, then they crossed the river on foot, mounted up and delivered a hellacious charge which drove off the veteran warband (Kit Fox Society) leaving nothing between them and the village. The cavalry won the impetus after that, but failed to turn a cavalry move in open card before the village slipped away under the cover of darkness.
7th Cavalry gains 4 VP (routed and enemy units destroyed)
Sans Arc gains 1VP (1 for destroying company A) They will also get VPs for having over 50% of their village make it to the winter hunting grounds.
Photo: Cavalry moves to the Fox River, Colonel Doubleday attaches to B company (right) leading from the front. The Kit Fox Society warriors screen the village.
Photo: Companies B & D mount and charge the Kit Fox Society warriors protecting the remaining tipis (some have already escaped). Crow allies (black hats) keep an eye on the young Sans Arc braves at the bottom left.
Photo: Company B routs the Kit Fox Society warriors, who were the last warriors screening the village. Black Elk, Sans Arc chief, can be seen behind the Kit Fox warband, but wasn't attached. He was nearly killed, but was able to escape with the rest of village as darkness engulfed the plains.
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