Saturday, January 21, 2012

Maximilian Project in 15mm - Update

Hi folks,

I'm attempting to get ready for Historicon (July) and I plan on running at least two Maximilian games at the convention.
  • Game 1 - Refight of Puebla 1862. French vs. Republican Mexicans
  • Game 2 - Imperial Mexicans vs. Republican Mexicans
Over the last week I have painted a Chausser a Pied (French Light Infantry unit), along with putting flags on 23 units!!! Created a C-in-C command stand for the French, and Major General Thun for the Austrian Legion!

The armies are really starting to take shape.

Need to order some Litko bases (40mm x 40mm) to get my artillery done and I have an order in with QRF for 2 more French Line units, French Imperial Guard artillery battery, and 2 more Cazadores Imperial units. They should be a lot of fun to paint.

I'll try to take some photos in the near future, but you can look at my collection via the "Maximilian" label in this blog.

Major General Thun of the Austrian Legion with his new Flag!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wargaming Projects for 2012

My "Projects for 2011" post did help me keep focused a little bit, so I thought I would start 2012 off with a project list and see how I do! In 2011 I was most happy to complete my Din of Battle ruleset for Piquet Inc, along with flocking most of my SYW collection! I'm going to shorten the list this time to see if I can get a sense of completion.

Latest Update: July 31st 

Wargaming Rules
Write Vauban's Wars for Piquet Inc.: 85%
Write version 3.0 of Guns of Liberty: 50%    pushed to 2013

Wargaming Miniatures

Late 18th Century Armies
Long term project that I really need to finish. The Russians are nearly completed. The Polish I'm a long way from completing.
Paint Russian Infantry Units (1 of 4): 25%
Flock all Russian Units (4 of 30): 5%
Paint Polish Infantry Units (x of x): 0%
Paint Polish Cavalry Units (x of x): 0%
Flock all Polish Units (x of x): 0%

Maximilian Armies
This project is for my Historicon 2012 games: Battle of Puebla and Battle of San Isabel.

Paint remaining French Units (7 of 7): 100%
Paint remaining Republican Units (1 of 1): 100%
Paint remaining Imperial Units (4 of 5): 80%
Guadalupe Ridge for Puebla Game: 100%
Fort Guadalupe: 100%
Fort Loreto: 100%
Run two games at Historicon: Done!

Seven Years War Armies
Paint Remaining Prussian Infantry Units (x of x): 0%
Flock all Prussian Units (9 of 32): 25%

Siege Warfare Armies
I'm thinking of running a playtest game at Historicon.
Paint Siege Guns: 0%
Flock Siege Guns: 0%
Paint Commanders: 0%
Flock Commanders: 0%

Wargaming Terrain
Finish making WWI trenches: 80%
Finish making siege parallel trenches: 80%
Finish making Gun Enplacements: 0%
Base and Terrain Viking Villages: Buildings assembled
Base and Terrain Medieval Towns: Buildings assembled
Base and Terrain Epic Buildings: 15%