Sunday, December 19, 2010

Boxer Rebellion Chinese Port

Decided to post a couple teaser photos of a Chinese port during the Boxer Rebellion. I have some battle photos I will post later, but I love port scenes for some reason. This is all in 15mm.

Buildings and ships by the master: Mal Wright
Water is made from Window tinting that you can by at Lowe's or Home Depot. Comes in a roll and you can just cut to size. I like the dirty muddy look for China.


  1. Wow, awesome! With 15mm terrain you can fit even more tables in your basement!

  2. Very nice!Table looks great and you really captured the atmosphere!


  3. Crikey! Making all those buildings and Chinese water craft was fun. I'm glad to see they are still in such excellent condition.

    Mal Wright.

  4. Thanks guys! Mal, your stuff is just amazing. It is an honor to have them. Wait until my next post, which will be a Boxer Rebellion battle on this terrain.
